Is there a deadline for the migration?


You will be able to unstake from V2 farms at any time.

You will be able to remove liquidity from V2 at any time.

However, Chefs will gradually migrate the SELF reward emissions from those selected V2 farms to their corresponding V3 farms. To continue earning SELF rewards. We would recommend that you complete the migrations as early as possible.

For more news and updates on the migration timeline, please follow our Twitter or Discord announcements.

When can I start migrating?

If you are reading this, the migration is likely started already. Visit https://smbswap.finance/migration for more details.

I can’t find the pair I’m staking

Some V2 farms and liquidity will continue to operate in parallel with V3.

Some V2 farms will not be migrated on day 1. If your staked farms do not appear in β€œStep 1”, they do not require to be migrated at the moment.

If your V2 liquidity positions do not appear in β€œStep 2”, it is likely due to they have V2 farms running and do not require to be migrated at the moment.

You can manually migrate your farm stakings and liquidity. Continue reading.

Can I manually migrate my farm stakings or liquidity without using the migration helper?


You can unstake LP tokens from V2 farms by going to the β€œFarms” page and looking for farms with the β€œV2” tag. You can use the β€œStaked only” toggle to filter farms you are currently staking.

You can remove V2 liquidity by going to the β€œLiquidity” page and looking for positions with the β€œV2” tag. You can use the V2 tab to filter only V2 positions.

For adding your liquidity to V3 and staking LP positions to V3, follow the standard V3 steps.

For a detailed tutorial on how to add liquidity in V3, read here.

For a tutorial on how to farm in V3, read here.

Last updated